Gas Purifier Regeneration Services
To help keep contamination from reaching your process, we offer easy access to our gas purifier regeneration services. Regeneration is the process of removing impurities from a saturated gas purifier. The regeneration process eliminates all contamination, and the lifetime after regeneration is identical to a new gas purifier. Simply let us know the process in which the purifier was used, purge your used purifier, and return it to one of our regeneration centers in the package we provide. It’s that easy.
Did you know that regenerating your purifier can save you between 30% and 70% of the cost of a new purifier, contributing to lower cost of ownership? In addition to that, recycling your purifiers is an environmentally friendly approach.
If you would like to know the regeneration interval of your gas purifier, please contact Entegris and provide the following: gas purifier part number, gas quality/impurity levels, and average flow rate.
With our service, you benefit from:
• Cost savings vs. purchasing new
• Restored purifier performance
• No hazardous material disposal costs
• An extended purifier warranty
• Three regeneration locations
- San Luis Obispo, USA + 1 800 394 4083
- Dresden, Germany + 49 351 795 97250
- Kulim, Malaysia + 65 6745 2422
Featured White Paper
Bowling for Contaminants: The New Science of Gas Purification
This white paper explains the importance of applying purification science to managing the gas supply purity from the source throughout all the wafer process steps to ensure the highest device yield.
The Regeneration Process
Step 1: Is your purifier regenerable?
Consult the chart below to determine if your purifier is regenerable. The media code is located within your purifier part number.
Example media codes: GPUS500FIX04R00CA, GPUS2500FNX08R00CA, MC3000-902F, MC9000-202F, MC9000-202F, CE2500KHI8R
Media | Regenerable? | Dangerous Goods? |
GateKeeper® GPU Gas Purifiers | ||
NX, OP, TX, WX, WY | Yes | No |
DX, DZ, EX, HX, IX, SX, YX* | Yes | Yes |
AP, BX, CR, CO, CX, DO, FX, KX, LG | No | - |
Legacy GateKeeper Gas Purifiers | ||
N, O | Yes | No | H, I, SK* | Yes | Yes | C, LK | No | - | Legacy MicroTorr® Gas Purifiers | 202, 203, 206, 404, 408, 906 | Yes | No |
702*, 703, 804, 902, 903, 904, 905, 909 | Yes | Yes |
302, 402, 403, 502, 602, 802 | No | - |
Step 2: Is Your Purifier Dangerous Goods?
Understanding if your purifier is Dangerous Goods (DG) is important because DG items must be shipped by someone certified to ship DG. This person will have attended DG classes and has a Dangerous Goods Certification.
Step 3: Complete the PRUS (Purifier Return Usage Statement) Form
All product returned to Entegris requires a PRUS. All regenerations are processed through Entegris' gas purifier field support services department. Contact Entegris to receive a copy of the PRUS form.
Step 4: Receive Service Return Number
Upon receipt of the completed PRUS form a service return number will be emailed to you. Include this service number with your purifier return.
Step 5: Send to Entegris
Send the purifier, PRUS, and service return number to Entegris for regneration.